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COPE Trustee

Vacancies on the COPE Trustee Board

We are seeking applications for two vacancies on the COPE Trustee Board as we look to enhance the support we provide.

We are specifically seeking:

  1. candidates from outside the UK and the US, with a particular preference for those based in Africa, Asia or Latin America.

  2. candidates who are journal editors or individual members.

  3. candidates with a background in Books or Conference Proceedings, and/or in Life Sciences, Engineering or Computer Science.

  4. candidates with expertise in UK law or in finance. 

In accordance with COPE’s constitution, the candidate, or the organisation they represent, must have been an ordinary member of COPE for at least 1 year.

About the Trustee Board

The COPE Trustee Board is an active, working Board. As a Trustee, you will help ensure that the organisation complies with its governing document, UK charity law, and any other relevant legislation or regulations. In addition, you will, with the other Trustees, set the strategic direction of COPE and ensure its financial stability (see COPE governance for more detail).

Key responsibilities

The Trustees meet four times a year; three of the meetings are held by webinar, with the other being a 3-5 day residential meeting incorporating Strategy, Trustee Board, Council, and Subcommittee meetings. The residential meetings take place annually (May/June). It is expected that COPE Trustees will attend all of these meetings.

The Trustee Board and Council are comprised of a number of subcommittees, and a Trustee may be asked to lead or contribute to at least one of these, as appropriate, either actively in the case of a Trustee Board subcommittee or in an ex-officio capacity in the case of a Council subcommittee. It is anticipated that the work of Trustees amounts to about 3 hours per week depending on the activity at that time. This is in addition to attendance at meetings.

Terms of service

Trustees will be appointed for 3 years, with the possibility to stand for election for an additional 3 years. These are voluntary unpaid positions. It is expected that your employer will cover any expenses as part of your professional development; if this is not feasible, please contact the COPE Administrator for guidance.

Election process

Candidates for the Trustee Board will be shortlisted by the Trustee Board. All candidates are required to submit:

  • a curriculum vitae (no more than four pages),
  • a statement of their experience and interest in COPE, and
  • responses to a set of questions (available from the COPE Administrator).

Shortlisted candidates may be asked to complete a written interview. If the number of shortlisted candidates exceeds the number of vacancies, elections will take place. Trustees shall be elected by the Constitutional Members of COPE or (if the candidates are unopposed) by approval of the Trustee Board.

How to apply

Please contact the COPE Administrator for more details on what is expected from Trustees, including details of how to apply.

The closing date for applications is: Thursday 31 August 2023